Stasi invites her son, author, and teacher, Blaine Eldredge, onto today’s podcast to talk about his new book The Paradise King. Blaine first shares a few stories of how he became a committed, passionate and “in process” follower of Jesus, and how his life’s journey led him to write this book. The Paradise King is a product of Blaine’s curiosity and quest to recover the story of God in the Bible, as well as his longing to share it with others in a relatable and historical narrative. Blaine reads an excerpt from his book, which transports us into a beautiful experience of the heart of Jesus.
Psalm 46:5-7 (NIV) — God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts. The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Daniel 2 — In it’s entirety
Matthew 15:21-28 (NIV) — Story based on excerpt read from The Paradise King
The Paradise King: The Tragic History and Spectacular Future of Everything According to Jesus of Nazareth
Blaine Eldredge is a writer and teacher from Peyton, Colorado. For the past ten years he's built teaching platforms to help the Church thrive in late modernity.
Blaine likes to read, write, and talk about culture, history, and theology. In particular, he loves to contemplate the Gospel of Jesus and make resources to convey its astonishing beauty.
For those of you wondering about Blaine's church engagement and education, he's a part of Kindred Church in Colorado Springs and holds a Master’s degree in Language from the University of British Columbia. Mainly, Blaine loves to read and follow Jesus in community as Jesus makes it on earth as it is in heaven.
Blaine also likes bowhunting, chopping wood, and poetry readings.
Teachers/authors mentioned in this podcast:
Pope Ratzinger
Jerry Sittser
Ron Rolheiser
Kenneth Bailey
NT Wright
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