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E88 | From Loneliness to Belonging: Creating Christ-Centered Community for Women Episode 88

E88 | From Loneliness to Belonging: Creating Christ-Centered Community for Women

· 33:40

Stasi sits down with Stacey Burton to share two exciting ministry updates. First, they celebrate the launch of the very first Captivated podcast airing on YouTube! Second, they explore the global epidemic of loneliness and the deep longing we all have to belong – just as we are. We are made for connection, and community can help healing begin. To support this, we’re introducing Captivating Fires – a monthly, Christ-centered gathering where women can come as they are, feel known, and restore their hearts. Join us in this beautiful movement of belonging and hope!

It’s not too late to join us for Ablaze: Setting Hearts on Fire for Jesuswildatheart.org/ablaze
Ablaze is an exclusive six-week online journey, every Tuesday through February 18, 2025. You can catch up on previous sessions, or register, at wildatheart.org/ablaze

For more on Captivating Fires, visit: https://wildatheart.org/events/captivating-fires

Watch today’s Podcast on YouTube: https://youtu.be/xLtS6Xi3nQo

Revelations 4:3, 6 (NIV) – The one sitting on the throne was as brilliant as gemstones—like jasper and carnelian. And the glow of an emerald circled his throne like a rainbow. … In front of the throne was a shiny sea of glass, sparkling like crystal.

Psalm 25:16  – Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted.

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Creators and Guests

Stasi Eldredge
Stasi Eldredge
Stasi Eldredge is an author, teacher, and the women’s ministry leader at Wild at Heart—a ministry devoted to helping people discover the heart of God, recover their own hearts in God’s love, and learn to live in God’s Kingdom. Stasi and her husband, John, live in Colorado Springs.
Stacey Burton
Stacey Burton
Stacey Burton has been a grateful part of the Wild at Heart team for over 10 years wearing many hats, including the Producer of Stasi Eldredge’s Captivated podcast and the ministry's Resources Manager. Stacey is continually learning what it means to fully rest in God’s grace and provision, enjoying nothing more than meeting with him in the boundless, quiet beauty of the outdoors. A native to Colorado, Stacey and her husband Eric anticipate becoming empty nesters as their kids, Jake and Riley, prepare to step out into their own adventure.
Tim & Laurie Thornton
Tim & Laurie Thornton
The intro and outro music for the Captivated podcast is composed by Tim and Laurie Thornton, who have a passion to empower God’s people as they seek the kingdom and live into their destiny as a worshiping family that makes disciples and extends the dominion of God wherever they go.


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